Wednesday, 30 November 2011

"Our path towards realising the Self..."

"When we venerate Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, let us not merely remember its words, but let us work towards realising and celebrating the Self. 

May we not not just remain content with gathering and memorising the words, but develop awareness and tread on the path of liberation. 

May we not just stop at the words of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, but harness the power of spiritual practice that is contained in those words and progress on our path towards realising the Self. 

To determine what Shrimadji has said is the first step. 

But let us not stop here. 

What is important is realise the level from which it was spoken and to have an aim to reach that level. 

Let us not sit back having learnt this lesson, but let us make the effort to develop inner vision. 

Mere interest in words, principles and thoughts will not help us overcome problems. 

There is blindness. 

Unless we acquire the right vision, problems will keep arising and we will have to keep endeavouring to solve them one after the other. 

If we do not have vision we will keep asking where the door is. 

We will keep asking the same question at different places, at different times. 

But, if we acquire vision we do not need to ask ever again. 

Therefore develop this vision. 

Inner vision means the awakening of an inner awareness..."

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

"A reflection of the amazing virtues of the Soul..."

" Shrimad Rajchandraji In Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra has expounded the Six Fundamental Truths of the Soul including its existence and so on. 

On the strength of logic and inference He has provided evidence for the existence of the soul and having Himself attained self-realisation, has portrayed the divine path for its attainment in a unique style born out of self-experience. 

Any true seeker, who delves deeply in this scripture and acts accordingly, will undoubtedly attain self-realisation. 

Is it a small wonder that this composition written by an Enlightened Master, who has filled couplets after couplet with the evidence of the soul, is befittingly entitled 'Atmasiddhi' - a reflection of the amazing virtues of the Soul..."

Sunday, 27 November 2011

"Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is akin to that of a starved man presented with a delicious meal..."

The inexplicable joy experirnced by Shri Maneklalbhai on receiving Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is described by him in a letter written to Shri Ambalalbhai on Aso vad 11, V.S. 1952. 

" Recipant of rare satsang, endowed with many virtues, Shri Ambalalbhai, Nadiad. 

With great humility, I express that the joy experienced on reading Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is akin to that of a starved man presented with a delicious meal. 

I have read the entire scripture once. 

In extremely simple language, deep philosophical tenets have been imparted, whose explanation or translation can be done only by an Enlightened One or a great scholar.  

Possessing neither the experience nor the scholarly knowledge, it is extremely difficult for me to expand on the meaning of this profound scripture. 

But just as a goat who has befriended a lion, can ride even an elephant's head, with the Grace of the living Sadguru, I shall send you ten pages of the translation of this scripture as they are completed. 

I do not have much linguistic knowledge, hence if there are any discrepancies in my thoughts, please do let me know." 

Upon reading Shri Maneklal Ghelabhai Jhaveri's high praise of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra and the deep impact it had left on him, one not only gets an inkling of his worthiness but also an insight into Shrimadji's ability to fathom a person's eligibility. 

It also reveals the miraculous power of this scripture, capable of leading the worthy soul to attain great spiritual heights.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

"Sole aim is to realise the Soul..."

"Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra encompasses the essence of all Jain canons. 

It is the result of the effortless churning of all Shrimad Rajchandraji's knowledge. 

It is only natural, then, that such a superlative and soul-uplifting, scripture requires equally elevated and truly worthy aspirants. 

The term worthiness stands for eligibility. 

Mere scriptural knowledge is not enough to attain enlightenment. 

To attain right knowledge the firm belief and behaviour that 'my emancipation lies only in following the instructions of the Enlightened Ones, I must always live by them', is imperative. 

The one who has steadfast faith in the Enlightened One, mastery over the senses and is detached and peaceful within; whose sole aim is to realise the Soul, only he can grasp the teachings. 

Only he is worthy of this spiritual scripture. 

The one who fails to understand the importance of the Enlightened One, who lacks faith in His words, whose intellect is polluted, who is consumed by his ego, the one who is not a true aspirant and who still wishes to revel in worldly pleasures, for he has no desire to realise the Soul - such deluded one remains uninfluenced even by such powerful teachings. 

Not only does he fail to understand the true nature of substances, but at times, that which can prove to be greatly beneficial can prove harmful to him - because of his sheer unworthiness..."

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

"Spreading the bliss of enlightenment..."

"The literary Ganges descended on this earth from the heart of the self-realised Shrimad Rajchandraji in an uninterrupted flow to purify the world. 

The creation Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, endowed with the potential of dispelling the age-old darkness of ignorance and spreading the bliss of enlightenment was witnessed first-hand by Pujya Shri Ambalalbhai. 

It was on the auspicious day of Aso Vad 1, V.S. 1952, Thursday, 22nd October 1896, in a small room of "Nana Kumbhanath Mahadev' temple, in the town of Nadiad in Charotar district that Shrimad Rajchandraji, inspired by the depths of His Self-experience, enshrined many profound scriptural truths in plain, simple and heart-touching language, in the form of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra. 

The request from a true seeker such as Pujya Shri Saubhagbhai, at an auspicious moment, resulted in the creation of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra containing the quintessence of the fourteen purvas. 

The world will always remain indebted to Pujya Shri Saubhagbhai for this..."

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

"Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra... a jewel among scriptures..."

"In the month of Shravan, V.S. 1952, Shrimad Rajchandraji visited Kavitha, Ralaj and also spent time in the seclusion of jungles in Gujarat, immersed in the bliss of the Self. 

During the month of Aso He proceeded to Nadiad via Anand. 

The keen aspirant Shri Ambalalbhai accompanied Him. 

On the day after Sharadpurnima, on Aso Vad 1, Shrimad Rajchandraji returned after dusk and beckoned Pujya Shri Ambalalbhai to bring a lantern as He began writing. 

Pujya Shri Ambalalbhai, a picture of devotion and humility stood with the lantern in hand while Shrimad Rajchandraji's pen flowed incessantly. 

In a single sitting of merely one and a half - two hours He composed the 142 couplets of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, a jewel among scriptures, espousing the essence of the Six Schools of Thought. 

Only a divine entity like Shrimad Rajchandraji could create an unparalleled treaties of such magnitude, containing the essence of the Jain Canons, in such a short time. 

This exemplifies His poetic prowess and writing proficiency and is sufficient to immortalise His name for all times to come..."

Monday, 21 November 2011

"If we want to realise the soul..."

Pujya Shri Lalluji Muni writes...

"Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is a hymn of the soul. 

There is no criticism of any religion in it. 

The follower of any religion may contemplate on it. 

Even we should contemplate on it repeatedly if we want to realise the soul. 

It contains the essence of the 14 purvas. 

We too can derive immense benefit from it, depending upon our eligibility. 

The profound meanings enshrined in it can be understood only from the Enlightened One. 

Only at the Lotus feet of an Enlightened One should they be heard and accepted. 

We should, however, try to understand from it as much as we can. 

Without wasting time in other matters - when in the house or outside, while working or in free time, wherever we are, if we develop the habit of reciting some of the couplets for our thinking on them, and as our understanding increases, our reverence for the soul shall deepen..."

Sunday, 20 November 2011

"Instrumental in igniting the knowledge of the Self..."

"Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is an unparalled sacred text expounding the path of liberation based on right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct. 

It is a convincing exposition of the real nature of the Soul and a bird's eye view of the six schools of Indian thought. 

Unlike other texts on the same subject, it offers a thorough understanding of principles in an easy conversational format making it easy to grasp, learn and enjoy. 

Indisputable logic, deep philosophy and extraordinary interpretations have been presented in simple language. 

Resultantly each and every verse is packed with the incredible power of being instrumental in igniting the knowledge of the Self in the sincere seeker. 

This amazing creation has the power to influence people of this generation to restrain themselves from being engrossed in material pleasures, awaken them from their deep slumber of ignorance and invoke an unprecedented awareness, thus heralding a dawn of spirituality in their lives..."

Saturday, 19 November 2011

"Nourishment for the soul..."

"For sincere seekers, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is an inspirational scripture that provides nourishment for the soul, offers guidance on the path of Truth and enhances one's knowledge and devotion. 

It is that treasure of wisdom in which Shrimad Rajchandraji has revealed the mysteries of the Tirthankaras sermons that have proven beneficial for everyone. 

It can destroy delusions, end cycles of birth and death and help us attain liberation. 

Having experienced the Soul, Shrimad Rajchandraji has laid out the path that can lead to experience the Soul and attain the pure Consciousness in Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra. 

Shrimadji has written this sacred scripture with deep compassion towards living beings who are still traversing through the dark forests of this material world. 

Experiencing great misery, these beings are enslaved in endless cycles of birth and death. 

To endeavour to achieve the great purpose of liberation, this scripture is written in an instructive format. In composing Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, Shrimadji has given us the remedy for attaining contentment..."

Monday, 14 November 2011

"Every sentence, every word of His is drenched in divinity and spirituality..."

"Since time immemorial, the soul has been subjected to infinite suffering through cycles of birth and death. 

Finally exasperated with the painful, meaningless transmigration, it embarks on the journey of awakening. 

It leads a life that is worthwhile, thus becoming a beacon of inspiration for others. 

Shrimad Rajchandraji the epitome of knowledge and compassion, holds a primary place amongst such brilliant and benevolent personalities. 

Shrimad Rajchandraji's life was one of continuous indefatigable spiritual pursuit. 

His persona was a reflection of His exemplary spiritual virtue. 

The essence of His elevated state comes alive in all his inspiring works. 

Every sentence, every word of His is drenched in divinity and spirituality. 

The legacy of His incomparable creations has been, is and will forever remain a source of immense benefit for the awakening and spiritual upliftment of many. 

Shrimad Rajchandraji's literary works are of unprecedented value to a seeker for self discovery. 

Even amongst them, His masterpiece, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, composed at the age of 29 is immensely beneficial. 

It is a testimony of His exalted spiritual state and creative genius..." 

Saturday, 12 November 2011

"Destined to gain a permanent place in spiritual literature..."

"In Atmasiddhi Shastra, Shrimad Rajchandraji has woven the profound essence of the teachings of Tirthankars and presented the true nature of elements as they are. 

For this He has provided evidence based on the Canons, logic and His own experience. 

Substantiation of facts has been presented in a style that addresses the essence, elevates, attracts and impresses. 

The Gujarati used in this manuscript is in the simple 'doha chhand'. such that even a person possessing ordinary knowledge of the language can easily study it. 

This composition has the amazing potential of being tremendously useful to people of all ages, from young to the old, according to their own eligibility. 

All Truths pertaining to the Soul have been discussed in a sequential and logical exposition and it is this that accords Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra a very important and high place amongst Jain treaties as well as those of other religions. 

This excellent composition, rising as it does above opinions, philosophies, sects, sub-sects and castes written in a style that can be understood by all, is undoubtedly destined to gain a permanent place in spiritual literature..."

Friday, 11 November 2011

"Enter into the world of spirituality..."

"In Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra, Shrimad Rajchandraji has also enshrined His profound reflections on the Six Fundamental Truths of the soul in the characteristic style of a dialogue between the Sadguru and the disciple. 

In order to explain the Six Truths of the soul to seekers, Shrimad Rajchandraji has presented sequentially the various doubts on each of the Six Fundamental Truths as questions from the disciple and then given explanations in the form of answers by the Sadguru. 

Each question and answer is such that it helps the seeker progress on the spiritual path. 

Those having similar questions are able to resolve their doubts and obtain direction and inspiration on the path of spiritual progress. 

Again, for those seekers in whom such contemplation has not arisen, this dialogue between the Sadguru and the disciple, presented by Shrimad Rajchandraji, serves as an effective stepping stone to enter into the world of spirituality..."

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

"Evolved out of experience..."

"Shramad Rajchandraji's renowned poetic composition, Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra has woven in it, profound spiritual insights with amazing artistry, 

Several learned scholars with all their logical expertise cannot match the exalted logical conclusions derived in such an effective and simple language in just 142 couplets. 

A distinct characteristic of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is that it is not simply a rational theory, but has evolved out of experience. 

It can be clearly perceived that the spiritual insights gained by Shrimad Rajchandraji flow freely in this text..."

Friday, 4 November 2011

"The soul can attain self-realisation and be liberated from all sorrows..."

The creation of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra is the beautiful result of Shrimad Rajchandraji's experience of the pure state of the Soul. 

Filled with deep insight and inspiration, in this divine creation He has expounded the main subject of the Six Fundamental Truths and unveiled the path of self-realisation for all seekers. 

'The soul exists', 

'it is eternal'. 

'it is the doer of karmas', 

'it is the enjoyer of karmas', 

'there is liberation' and 

'there is a path to liberation' 

- if one develops faith with conviction in these Six Fundamental Truths as postulated by the Enlightened Ones, the soul can attain self-realisation and be liberated from all sorrows. 

It is with this inherent intention that Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra has been created. 

These Six Fundamental Truths have been discussed repeatedly in Jain scriptures. 

What has been propounded by countless Tirthankars in the past has been explained by Shrimad Rajchandraji in this Shastra, in a simple manner. 

Thus, He has spread the teachings of the Tirthankars... 

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

"Proof of the existence of the soul..."

"Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra inspires one to work towards spiritual upliftment and also offers proof of the existence of the soul etc. in a series of rational arguments. 

Thus in both senses, it is befitting to refer to this work as a 'Shastra'. 

This Shastra, the creme de la creme of all Shastras, kindles awareness and direction on the path of liberation as propounded by Bhagwan Mahavir. 

It is the reader's experience that this text does not adhere to the ritualistic practices of any religion. 

Any aspirant wishing to traverse the path of spiritual upliftment will find Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra supremely beneficial, providing guidance, inspiration and an impetus to awaken the Self..."